STT (Tournaments)

Single Table Tournaments

Rules for Single Table Tournaments (STT)

Online poker has given birth to the newest and most exciting form of poker: the single table tournament (STT). The STT combines the shorthanded skills needed for successful tournament play with the patience and discipline that is needed for full ring play. And even better, players no longer have to wait for a tournament to be offered. STT's run 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. As soon as you have a table of willing participants, the game starts.

Silver Sands Poker is pleased to offer its players all the thrills of STTs – it's the perfect way to deal with reality.

1. STTs begin as soon as the table fills and finishes when one player possesses all the chips.

Currently, all STT's are contested using Texas Hold em and Omaha.

At the conclusion of the tournament, the prize pool is split accordingly to the payout schedule.

Players can enter any STT by posting the required buy-in and entry fee.

A player is eliminated when he has no remaining chips.

Rebuys are not allowed.

The entry fee pays for the table time, so no rake is taken.

Silver Sands Poker is not a party to any wager and only serves to oversee the event and the wagers made by the participants. The prize money is a pool of the buy-in amounts contributed by individual players.

Tournament chips have no monetary value.

The final level is played until the winner is declared.

At the start of the STT, all players are dealt one card face up. The player receiving the highest card is awarded the dealer button for the first hand. If more than one player has the same card, the tie is broken by suit. The rank of suits in ascending order is club, diamond, heart and spade.

When two players remain, the small blind has the button and acts first before the flop.

If a player is eliminated in the hand that he posts the small blind, the button does not move. This ensures that a player does not miss the big blind. If a player is eliminated in the hand that he posts the big blind, the button moves and one player does not post the big blind for that round. All players benefit from this scenario equally.

STT's have no breaks. Once they begin, the tournament continues without interruption until completion.

If two or more players are eliminated in the same hand, places are determined by the amount of chips that each player had at the start of the hand. The player with the greater number of chips at the start of the hand is awarded the highest place. If the eliminated players had an equal number of chips at the start of the hand, the players tie for the position. If two players tie for second place, the prize pool for second and third place are combined and each of the tied players receives 50% of the total.

16. Silver Sands Poker does not assist players in making deals to divide the payout. The STT continues until one player has all the chips.

Soft playing – playing your hand in a sub-optimal manner for the benefit of another player – is prohibited. Silver Sands Poker will ban individuals who play in 'teams' from future tournaments.

18. By buying an entry to a tournament, a player accepts the risks of Internet disconnections. If a player is disconnected at the start of a hand, he is dealt cards and then folds automatically. Disconnected players still must post the small and big blind and will have their hand folded when action reaches them. This continues until a connection is re-established or the player has run out of chips.

In the unlikely event of a Silver Sands Poker server crash, all STTs in progress are cancelled. Once the server re-starts, the full buy-in and entry fee will be refunded.

Chat privileges for players watching tournaments may be removed if inappropriate comments are made.

21. Management decisions are final.

Rules for Single Table Tournament Satellites (Qualifier)


STT Satellites sometimes referred to as qualifiers are Single-Table-Tournaments designed to allow players to win seats into bigger tournaments at a fraction of the buy in.

A player can enter a R25 STT qualifier to win a R250 seat into a multi table tournament. STT Satellites can be found in the Sit and Go Lobby under the 'all' and 'qualifiers' tabs.

1. If the STT does not finish by the time seating on the bigger MTT tournament starts, the winner will be entered into the next available tournament of similar properties and entry cost. If no similar tournament is pending the winner will be paid out the cash equivalent.

2. Only 1 seat per player can be won.

3. Players cannot unregister from the tournament that they have qualified for.

4. All standard rules for STTs apply as above.

5. Management decisions are final.

R2K Sneaky 8
2025/02/15 21:30 CAT
R1K Quick Six
2025/02/16 11:00 CAT
R5000 Guaranteed
2025/02/16 11:30 CAT
R2000 Guaranteed
2025/02/16 12:00 CAT
R4000 Guaranteed
2025/02/16 14:30 CAT
R1000 Freeroll
2025/02/16 14:45 CAT
R2000 Guaranteed
2025/02/16 15:30 CAT
R2K Sneaky 8
2025/02/16 16:30 CAT
Omaha Tournaments
R1K Quick Six - 2025/02/15
Winner halfie
R2K Sneaky 8 - 2025/02/15
Winner halfie
R2000 Guaranteed - 2025/02/15
Winner Hot Chocolate
R500 Freeroll - 2025/02/15
Winner Goochy 2
R2000 Guaranteed - 2025/02/15
Winner Lubs777
R5000 Guaranteed - 2025/02/15
Winner BlackToothGrin
R1K Quick Six - 2025/02/15
Winner BSAP
R2K Sneaky 8 - 2025/02/14
Winner DG Poker
Omaha Tournaments
R2K Sneaky 8
2025/02/15 21:30 CAT
R1K Quick Six
2025/02/16 11:00 CAT
R5000 Guaranteed
2025/02/16 11:30 CAT
R2000 Guaranteed
2025/02/16 12:00 CAT
R4000 Guaranteed
2025/02/16 14:30 CAT
R1000 Freeroll
2025/02/16 14:45 CAT
R2000 Guaranteed
2025/02/16 15:30 CAT
R2K Sneaky 8
2025/02/16 16:30 CAT